賽馬會第三學生村高級宿舍服務員 (檔案編號:531562) (以兩年合約形式聘用,若工作表現滿意,可獲續約;合約期滿可獲約滿酬金及大學按退休計劃所規定的供款,合共薪金總和的百分之十)
應徵者須具備中五或以上學歴;懂英語及中文(包括普通話) 。具客房服務及公共地方清潔經驗者將獲優先考慮。受聘者須協助住宿學院經理督導初級員工;負責用品紀錄、一般清潔、維修、外勤及雜務,並需於住宿學院接待處當值及執行賽馬會第三學生村內四所住宿學院日常運作的其他工作。受聘者須留宿及在晚間、假日及惡劣天氣期間輪班工作。
應徵者可透過網上系統遞交申請,或填妥申請表格郵寄至香港堅尼地城龍華街九號香港大學賽馬會第三學生村辦公室(住宿學院經理收)或電郵至 allywch@hku.hk。申請表格(201/814)可從網址www.hku.hk/apptunit/c-jform.doc 下載。有關招聘事宜之查詢,請電郵至 allywch@hku.hk。獲篩選的應徵者會獲邀參加一項技能測試及面試。甄選程序將於2025年4月17日開始,直至空缺填補。
Senior Hall Attendant in Jockey Club Student Village III (Ref.: 531562) (On a two-year fixed term basis with contract-end gratuity and University contribution to a retirement benefits scheme at 10% of basic salary, with the possibility of renewal, subject to satisfactory performance)
Applicants should have completed Form 5 or above. They should be able to communicate in English and Chinese (including Putonghua) with good interpersonal skills. Experience in hotel/hostel housekeeping and public area cleaning is preferred. Responsibilities of the appointee will include assisting the Site Managers in supervising junior staff, housekeeping, retrieval and checking of inventory, general repair and maintenance tasks, occasional off-site work, counter service as and when necessary, and perform any other duties as assigned in four Residential Colleges (which accommodates 1800 students). The appointee is required to live in a post-tied quarters, and work on shifts during night time and adverse weather, as well as on Sundays and public holidays.
A highly competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience will be offered, in addition to annual leave and medical benefits.
Applicants could apply online at the University’s career site or send the application form to the Site Manager, HKU Jockey Club Student Village III, 9 Lung Wah Street, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong, or by e-mail to allywch@hku.hk. Application form (201/814) can be obtained at www.hku.hk/apptunit/c-jform.doc. For further information, please contact Ms. Ally WONG at allywch@hku.hk. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend a skill test and an interview. Review of applications will start from April 17, 2025 and continue until the post is filled.
Candidates who are not contacted within 2 months of their application date may consider their applications unsuccessful.